If you have a loved one who served in the military and is buried in the York Township Cemetery, please complete the form below so we can ensure all Veterans are recognized for their service.
Ensuring each Veteran receives a flag and marker on their grave is important to us, if you notice either are not placed at your loved ones grave, or if there is a marker that is broken, please call the office or email us at tm4petrey@yorktwp.org and we will take care of it immediately.
We invite you to view our current Veteran’s Roster which is read during the Memorial Day Ceremony that takes place at the York Township Cemetery. This list encompasses names of those who served and live/had lived in York Township, or are buried in any York Township cemetery. Please view the below pictures of the Honor Roll signs (click to enlarge) that are currently located in the Town Hall as well.
If you see that a name is missing, has a spelling error, or is incorrect in any way, on either the Veteran’s Roster or Honor Roll signs, please complete the form below or contact our office so that we can make any necessary changes. If completing the form, include a note in the “Questions, comments or other information” section stating that a change needs to be made to the roster or sign along with details.