10 events found.
Trustee Emergency Meeting
Fire Complex 6609 Norwalk Rd., Medina, OH, United StatesThe York Township Trustees will hold an emergency meeting to discuss indigent burial at 4:00 pm at the York Township Complex 6609 Norwalk Road.
Trustee Meeting
Fire Complex 6609 Norwalk Rd., Medina, OH, United StatesZoning Commission Meeting
Fire Complex 6609 Norwalk Rd., Medina, OH, United StatesTrustee Special Meeting – Work Session
Fire Complex 6609 Norwalk Rd., Medina, OH, United StatesThe York Township Trustees will hold a special meeting work session to discuss the single hauler trash contract and the snowplowing contract and any other business before the board on Wednesday March 13, 2024 at 5:30 pm at 6609 Norwalk Road Fire Complex. 03-13-24 March Agenda, Special Meeting
Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
Fire Complex 6609 Norwalk Rd., Medina, OH, United States03-14-24 AGENDA for BZA