
Zoning: York Township has established a zoning code (downloadable from the Zoning Page) and permits must be obtained before any land use or building may occur. Permits are required in order to locate, erect, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, or structurally alter any building or structure. Pools, fences and signs may also require a permit.

Zoning Inspector
Steve: 330-722-0185


Zoning Commission

Zoning Commission Meetings: The Zoning Commission consists of five members and one alternate appointed by the trustees. This board regulates the use of land and buildings in York Township.

Zoning Commission Members
Lowell Wolff
Jon Steingass
David Hull
Eric Matyac
Guy Roach
Alternate: Ken Barco
Secretary, Mary Lenarth

Meetings are held on the first (1st) Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Station complex. All meetings are open to the public.

Board of Zoning Appeals

Board of Zoning Appeals Meetings: The Board of Zoning Appeals consists of five members and one alternate appointed by the trustees. This board’s main functions are to hear variance requests of specific zoning standards and requests for conditional uses.
Board of Zoning Appeals Members
Richard Hill
Christine Barnes
Ron Fabich
Colene Conley
Jessica Gerspacher
Alternate: Rachel Nagle
Secretary, Mary Lenarth

Meetings are held on the second (2nd) Thursday of the month when a meeting is necessary. Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Fire Station complex. All meetings are open to the public.

Zoning Fees

General Development Plan Application & Review $750 + $100 per dwelling
General Development Consulting Fees$1,500 + any additional consulting fees
Final Development Plan Application & Review$750 + $100 per dwelling
Final Development Consultation Fees$1,500 + any additional consulting fees
Residential, new home$500+ .05 per sq. ft.
Residential Ancillary Use$100 +.05 per sq. ft
Commercial/Industrial Use$500 +.05 per sq. ft
Ponds & Lakes$200
Pools$100 Above Ground
$200 In Ground
Signs $150
Home Occupation (Type 2)$100
Home Occupation (w/conditional use)$400
each additional home occupation request at same address$50
Lot Splits/Mergers (per lot/legal description)$150
Variance $400
Site Plan Review with change of use $300
Commercial/Industrial Site Plan Review Application$300 (Zoning Cert. not included)
Commercial/Industrial Modification of Existing Site Plan$300 (Zoning Cert. not included)
Conditional Use $400
Zoning Resolution Amendment $1,000
each additional zoning resolution amendment request$100
Late Fee Zoning Violation (same builder)$500 first violation
$1,000 second violation
$1,500 third violation
$2,500 fourth violation